The purpose of this article is to give consumers a greater insight in distinguishing fact from fiction in order to determine what is and is not worthwhile with regard to audio reproduction. Noise (dynamic range), frequency response, distortion (harmonic and intermodulation), and time-based errors are the parameters that are inextricably connected to audio fidelity. Each of these parameters can be measured and supported scientifically. No voodoo here, but one must still trust their own ears. Even though I consider room acoustics as a part of the time- based errors parameter, room acoustics can create frequency response errors (called comb filtering) due to wave reflections combining in the air. Reflections can also create audible echoes and reverb. Room acoustics, however, also greatly affect stereo imaging, clarity and have a much greater effect on sound quality than ones high-end equipment. Consumers auditioning high-end audio components should be auditioning equipment that has noise and distortion too low to hear, a response capable of capturing the entire range of audible frequencies, and time-based errors,diminutive enough, to be insignificant. Purchasing equipment with this criteria insures your system will be audibly transparent to music and other sound passing through it forming a very stable musical foundation. This foundation of transparency concomitant with the proper set-up of one's listening environment will guarantee superb music reproduction and it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.
The goal of every high-end audio consumer is perfect reproduction of a recorded event which can only be accomplished by perfect recordings. The reality, of course, is we can not achieve perfection in either case. These are "IDEALS". All audiophiles/music lovers build their systems to get as close to these ideals as possible. Good recordings, well reproduced, is relevant, not just to one's overall enjoyment of the music, but also,to one's appreciation of that music. I am in the camp that feels vinyl renders much greater "MUSICALITY" than the silver discs. With that being said, I would like to list some vinyl recordings that I feel come very, very close to allowing us to hear the recorded event the way it was meant to be heard.
As the baby boomers of my generation atrophy, I think it is imperative that the high-end audio industry make a concerted effort to recruit Gen X and GenY if it is to survive. This however, is easier said than done. High-End Audio Retailers competing with on-line high-end audio vendors and a very depressed economy are experiencing very formidable times and many have gone out of business.There are over 200,000,000 Gen X'ers and Gen Y'ers who are already music lovers albeit, with sources other than high performance equipment. This young market initially needs to be educated about what defines high-end audio. Audio Cognoscenti offers this group "Tips for Audiophile Beginners". Subsequently, this group must be exposed to the beauty of high-end audio by auditioning these high performance products at a brick and mortar High-End Audio Retailer. In my humble opinion, manufacturers and High-End Audio Retailers need to collaborate on designed systems that will attract the Gen X''ers and Gen Y'ers and have retailers, where possible, designate a specific demo room for this prodigious young market of potential high-end customers. The greatest challenge will be affordable entry-level high performance systems that will still deliver and afford these potential customers an "epiphany" with an audition. I think an Advertising Campaign in which participating High-End Audio Retailers across the country raffle an entire system and various high-end components would be one way to get these potential customers to leave their lap tops, cut off their smart phones, and extricate their head/ear phones to come out and experience the full impact of high-end audio. How long do you think it will take for the young college grad who buys one of these entry-level systems to start investigating the next level of high performance products and recognize and appreciate the knowledge and the true expertise that only a brick and mortar High-End Audio Retailer can provide?
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AuthorsMichael Miguest Archives
March 2023